If you believe your significant other is seeing someone on the side, call us. The stress of the unknown can be unbearable. Our surveillance investigators will get to the bottom of your concerns and bring you peace of mind.
Significant other taking an unexpected
"business trip?" Ask about our Airport surveillance success stories!
Metro Private Investigations prides itself on working for families. In preparation for mediation or a child custody hearing, surveillance can provide your attorney with pertinent information on how a parent is treating or spending time with your child. When you want to know who is spending time with your child, call us.
We work for clients from both large and small companies. Many of our investigators began their careers performing surveillance on injury and workers' compensation assignments. We are experienced in all forms of surveillance whether the Claimant resides in an urban or rural area.
Third Party Administrator clients are encouraged to call or email today for further information on how we can help you achieve further success.
Anyone can take a statement or interview a subject, but do they ask the right questions? Metro's Private Investigators have the mindset and the know how to get the answers our clients need. Specializing in both criminal and civil matters.
Are you trying to locate someone? Metro Private Investigations can help. We can locate just about anyone by utilizing a variety of investigative means.
"Is he really who he says he is?"
"Should I go into business with this individual?"
"Is your ex-spouse's new live in girlfriend/boyfriend safe to be around your children?"
These are just a few of the questions Metro Private Investigations fields and answers every week.
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